How to Dress When Dating Ukrainian Women

A photo of a man hiding fresh flowers at his back for his woman
Impress Ukrainian women by looking decent and presentable on your dates.

The sun is shining brightly outside and the temperature is warm enough. She finally messaged back after half a day, asking to meet you at 2 pm at her favorite café. You feel thrilled and you start your preparations.

But something occurred to you all of a sudden. You don’t know how to dress for your date! This shouldn’t be happening at such an important time. Now this is really unfortunate.

Let’s do a fast talk and get you an outfit right away.

A v-neck shirt or a polo shirt?

Denim pants or cotton?

Brown loafers or plain black shoes?

A silver luxury wristwatch or a smart digital watch?

You may want to put all of this together for your getup, but there's one more thing to consider. Before going on a date with a Ukrainian woman, you need to be aware of the best dress codes. Most of the time, men only tend to prepare for what they wear on special occasions, and on normal days they mostly go for casual outfits.

Worry no more, for here are the best outfit suggestions you can use when dating a Ukrainian girl. Sit back and start checking to see if you have any of these items in your closet.

1. Straight and slim jeans.

Most women in Ukraine love seeing men in straight and slim jeans. As much as you can, avoid wearing skinny jeans when you are on a date. Since it is preferable in Ukraine fashion to use straight and slim jeans, you can wear light colored ones to make a good impression. Go for white, light blue, and other colors that are seemingly heavenly and pleasant to the eyes. Your lady would totally be amused with you if you do so.

If you have a knack for denim jeans, you can go with that as well. Don’t worry much, wearing denim is not considered illegal in Ukraine anymore. It's no longer the same as 30 years back when wearing denim in the country could get you arrested.

Nowadays, you can see denim all over the streets. If back then denim was only worn on special occasions, people in Ukraine now wear it whenever they want to. The well-known designer, Ksenia Schnaider, proudly said that she patronizes jeans way too much. So there shouldn’t be a reason for you not to, right?

2. Brown shoes.

Different shades of brown are some of the most versatile colors that you can go for -- especially when it comes to shoes. You may have it dark or light. It depends on your style as long as it matches your whole outfit. With this, you can easily pull off one of the most classic styles for men in terms of being dressed to impress.

Simply take note that you should be comfortable with your shoes. When going on a date, try not to buy a new pair as this may have a chance of making you feel uncomfortable in the process. It may even affect the way you walk, behave, and act. Stick to the pair that you have to ensure that you’ll have a good time.

3. Matching socks.

You're already looking so perfect, but as you look down, it turns out that your socks have a totally different color compared to your shoes. This should have been avoided, really. In the Ukrainian dating culture, women are not impressed when they see their men wearing socks that don't match with their shoes.

If you’re wearing brown shoes, wear brown socks as well, or any other dark color that wouldn't be as contrasting. The same goes for other colors of socks and shoes.

4. Semi-formal shirt.

Going on an actual date with a Ukrainian girl is way different when you're interacting with her on an online dating site. In the early stages, you may not even give much thought to what you're wearing because you only have to connect online. But when it comes to an actual date, always consider the shirt that you’ll be wearing.

Why is this so?

If you happen to choose a simple shirt from your closet, then how would your woman feel about that? Let’s say she has a lovely dress on, or maybe an elegant blouse and skirt. Surely it would not match with what you’re wearing, which is only a simple shirt. She may think that you didn't bother to look nice and impress her.

Take note that these ladies love dressing up and are always mindful about the way they look.

Although this does not happen all the time, because there will come a point when you’re totally comfortable with each other to the extent that you might be sharing what you're both wearing prior to a date, at least you know that you can never go wrong with a semi-formal shirt.

5. Attractive colors.

Never consider wearing black when going on a date with a Ukrainian lady. She may interpret you as someone who is not playful and spontaneous enough. According to color psychology, black is not an attractive color to wear on a date. Instead, you can resort to red, which is at the top of the list of colors to wear. Light colors are also preferable.

6. Masculine scent.

This may not be new to you, but Ukrainian ladies love perfumes and fragrances. There is the ‘power of scent’ that men can opt for to make a lasting impression. Before settling on your scent, however, make sure you choose one that suits you best.

Dress Smartly and Be Your Best, Confident Self

Before having to go and see her, you can always check the mirror and be sure.

“Is this me? Do I really dress like this?”

Always make an effort to dress up and be you. A radical change can be brought upon by the way you look, but it should be something that suits you, makes you happy, and makes you comfortable. But if it's the other way around, then perhaps it's time to reevaluate your choices.

At the end of the day, if she is truly interested in you, the way you look would just be a superficial aspect. If she genuinely wants to be with you, she can help you improve in many other ways other than the way you chose to present yourself.

Whether you're interested in dating or marrying a Ukrainian woman, you will need to start with making a good impression. So the way you dress is definitely going to matter.

All things considered, make the most out of dating Ukrainian women by being your most confident self!