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New Year, Better Me | New Year's Resolutions For The Best Love Possible

man and woman kissing while holding sparklers
Are ready to put in the work for the best love experience ever?

Are you ready for the new year? Is there anything from this current year that you would want to work on or ultimately erase from your life? And, are you serious about committing to your goals this time?

Don’t freak out if things on your plate aren’t well thought out yet. Remember that the key strategy to actually achieving your New Year's resolutions is focusing on small targets. If you pick goals that are too big (or vague), you will most probably end up not following through because the minute details are already overwhelming. So pick ones which are realistic, enriching and enjoyable.

In this list, we will show you simple goals that you might haven’t even thought of yet. Trust us, these will not only improve yourself but also your romantic relationship! What’s a better bargain than that?

Ready to experience the best love possible this new year? Then, read on!

Resolution 1: Do one kind thing each day.

Isn’t this one of the simplest and lightest resolutions to stick to? Start with yourself before you extend the same to your partner, and see how far kindness can go. Prepare a healthy breakfast for yourself or do the chores they don’t particularly like. Keep in mind that kindness keeps the love alive.

Resolution 2: Schedule a surprise date night.

As the new year rolls in, date nights can become a rare occurrence for many couples. There are other things to focus on, right? This may be true, however, don’t forget its merit — dates are vital to maintaining intimacy in your relationship.

Make sure to set a surprise date night once in a while. Get to know each other even more and talk about what you want to see in the coming months. Your nights will never be the same.

Resolution 3: Renew your vows.

This may be one of the most special dating advice we have for you. Nothing speaks true love and commitment more than renewal of vows. You don’t have to set up a party or invite an officiant; remembering the promises you made for each other is enough. Look within you and examine how much that love has helped you grow too.

Resolution 4: Try something new.

This could be in the form of new hobbies to try or new places to explore. Find out what interests the both of you and get ready for unique adventures. The bottom line is that you two should continuously learn and have fun while doing so.

Resolution 5: Find “me time” for each other.

The type of relationship you should be aiming for is an equal partnership that is as strong as its single parts. To achieve this, make sure to have a special time for yourselves, temporarily away from each other, to help you build a deeper connection with yourself and learn your own needs and issues. Then, when you come back together, you will be stronger than ever.

Resolution 6: Make a relationship plan.

It’s never too early to plan for the future of the relationship. Do you wish to achieve more? What milestones should you prioritize? You don’t have to put a strict timeline on things, but such discussions will prove that you are both ready for the long ride together. Make it a point to also align your individual goals with your plan. Fun, lovely times sure are ahead.

Everyone wants all of their days to stay as exciting, fun and memorable as the beginning of the new year. And it’s possible if you always aim for growth and betterment, not only for yourself but also for those special people around you. So, why not try these resolutions for a truly happy new year?

If you’re still looking for more relationship and dating advice for men and women, just sign up here. We’re ready to guide you on your love journey!